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Workshop Climate Justice: Transdisciplinary and Cross-cultural Conversations

Younger Hall

How can the disparity between global climate impact and uneven responsibilities be squared with the ideal of climate justice? How do epistemic infrastructures (such as: IPCC, and global agenda and goal setting mechanisms) interact with communities on the global and local levels? How are climate policies and priorities inflected by questions of distance (across space ... Read more

Public Lecture: Tahseen Jafry (Glasgow Caledonian University)

School II (St. Salvator's)

Title: About Climate Justice: What Does it Mean and What Lies Ahead? Abstract: In July 2023, Europe reached scorching milestones with relentless heatwaves and Scotland had its hottest June ever. Several regions grappled with unprecedented rainfall, triggering ecological and socioeconomic upheaval. However, impacts aren't equally distributed, those who contribute minimally to carbon emissions, find themselves ... Read more