The Visiting Fellowship programme is currently on hold pending the development of CEPPA’s research projects and Professorial Fellows programme. The Centre hopes to make appointments in the latter, as well as several postdoctoral fellowship appointments in connection with its various research projects.
In previous years, some 110 fellows (from 18 countries) were appointed to the Visiting Fellowship programme.
(US: 42; UK 32; Canada 7; Australia 5; Belgium, Hungary, Italy, New Zealand, Poland and Sweden 2 each; Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Japan, Slovakia, Spain, South Africa 1 each.)
2015 |
Dr Balazs Zoltan, Corvinus University, Hungary. Prof. Thomas Williams, University of South Florida, USA Prof. Emanuela Ceva, University of Pavia, Italy |
2014 |
Dr Thomas Mroz, University of Zielona Gora, Poland Prof. Charles Kurth, Washington University, USA Prof. Erik Wielenberg, DePauw University, USA Prof. Kyla Ebels-Duggan, Northwestern University, USA Prof. Helga Varden, University of Illinois, USA |
2013 |
Dr Christine Straehle, University of Ottawa, Canada Dr Christopher Belshaw, Open University, UK Prof. Michael Beaty, Department of Philosophy, Baylor University, USA Prof. Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen, Lund University, Sweden |
2012 |
Dr Jonas Olson, Stockholm University, Sweden Dr. Íngrid Vendrell Ferran, Philipps Universität Marburg, Germany Prof. Jason Eberl, Indiana University-Purdue University, USA Dr Wolfgang Ertl, Keio University, Japan Dr Tomasz Zuradzki, Institute of Philosophy, Jagiellonian University, Poland |
2011 |
Professor David Dudrick, Colgate University USA Prof. Ruth Groenhout, Calvin College, USA Prof. Don Fallis, University of Arizona, USA |
2010 |
Professor Jason Kawall, Colgate University USA Prof. Sarah Conly, Bowdoin College, USA Prof. Andrew Brennan, La Trobe University, Australia Dr Norva Lo, La Trobe University, Australia Dr Adrian Walsh, University of New England, Australia Dr Robert Lamb, University of Exeter, UK Prof. Roger Scruton, UK |
2009 |
Dr Kimberely Brownlee, University of Manchester, UK Prof. Lloyd Gerson, University of Toronto, Canada Prof. Richard Momeyer, Miami University, Ohio, USA |
2008 |
Prof. David Sobel, University of Nebraska Lincoln, USA. Dr Marian Kuna, University of Ruzomberk, Slovakia Mr Basil O’Neill, University of Dundee, UK |
2007 |
Prof. Steven Lee, Hobart & William Smith Colleges, USA. Prof Dale E. Miller, Old Dominion University, VA, USA. Dr David Shaw, Philosophical Quarterly Fellow, 2006-07 |
2006 |
Prof. Jason Kawall, Colgate University, NY, USA. Prof. Timothy Chappell, Open University, UK Dr Niall Maclean, Philosophical Quarterly Fellow, 2005-06 |
2005 |
Prof. David McCabe, Colgate University, USA Prof. Paul Carrick, Gettysburg College, USA Prof. Jonathan Jacobs, Colgate Univestiry, USA Dr Pierre Destree, Univesite Louvian-la-Neuve, Belgium |
2004 |
Prof. David Solomon, University of Notre Dame, USA Prof. Christopher W. Taylor, University of Oxford, UK Dr Glen Newey, Strathclyde University, UK Prof. F. D. Miller, Jr. Bowling Green, USA Dr Larry Siedentop, University of Oxford, UK Dr Benedict Young, International Development Education Assoc., UK Dr Thom Brooks, University of Newcastle, UK |
2003 |
Dr Stefaan Cuypers, University of Louvain, Belgium Dr Catherine Collobert, University of Ottawa, Canada |
2002 | Gareth Williams, University of Lancaster, UK |
2001 |
Elisabetta Galleotti, Università del Piemonte Orientale, Italy Dr. John Hittinger, USAF Academy, USA |
2000 |
Prof. James Griffin, University of Oxford, UK Prof. Ronald Beiner, University of Toronto, Canada |
1999 |
Dr. Andrew Moore, University of Otago, New Zealand + Prof. William Aiken, Chatham College, USA Prof. Jonathan Jacobs, Colgate University, USA |
1998 |
Prof. Bonnie Kent, Columbia University, USA Prof. Jonathan Riley, Tulane University, USA Dr. Robert Brecher, University of Brighton, UK |
1997 |
Dr. Stefaan Cuypers, K. U. Leuven, Belgium Prof. Michael Pakaluk, Clark University, USA Dr. Geoffrey Cupit, University of Waikato, New Zealand |
1996 |
Dr. Philip Stratton-Lake, Keele University, UK Dr. Keith Graham, Bristol University, UK Lord Alton of Liverpool, House of Lords, UK |
1995 |
Prof. Robert Van Wyck, University of Pittsburgh, USA Prof. Nicholas Wolterstorff, Yale University, USA + Prof. John Arthur, Binghampton University, SUNY, USA Prof. Wendy Donner, Carleton University, Canada |
1994 |
Prof. C. A. J. Coady, University of Melbourne, Australia Dr. David Archard, University of Ulster, UK Ms Susan Kin Zaw, Open University, UK + Prof. James Child, Bowling Green State University, USA Prof. Karen Bell, California State University Fresno, USA |
1993 |
Prof. Lisa Portmess, Gettysburg College, USA Prof. Edward J. Bond, Queens University, Canada Dr. Kryztof Gurba, Jaggielonian University, Poland Prof. Janos Nyiri, Institute of Philosophy, Hungary + Dr. Jorge Arregui, University of Navarre, Spain |
1992 |
+ Dr. Terence McLaughlin, University of Cambridge, UK Dr. Paula Boddington, University of Bristol, UK + Prof. William Aiken, Chatham College, USA + Prof. Howard Sobel, University of Toronto, Canada Dr. Joanna Pasek, University of Warsaw, Poland Miss Jennifer Jackson, University of Leeds, UK |
1991 |
Prof. Mikael Karlsson, University of Iceland Dr Edward Winters, University of Westminster, UK Prof. Rex Martin, University of Kansas, USA Prof. Bart Gruzalski, Northeastern University, USA Prof. Mark Nelson, Hampden-Sidney College, USA |
1990 |
Dr. Dafydd Elis Thomas, MP, House of Commons, (now Lord Thomas) UK Prof. Daniel Farrell, Ohio State University, USA + Dr. Elizabeth Pybus, University of Glasgow, UK Dr. Igor Primoratz, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel |
1989 |
Prof. James Smit, Orange Free State University, South Africa Prof. Richard Werner, Hamilton College, USA Prof. George Graham, University of Alabama, USA |
1988 |
Dr. Ross Harrison, King’s College, Cambridge, UK Prof. David Carr, University of Edinburgh, UK Prof. Richard Brook, Bloomsburg University, USA |
1987 |
Ms. Suzanne Uniacke, University of Wollongong, Australia Ms. Attracta Dunlop, University College, Dublin, Eire Prof. Max Hocutt, University of Alabama, USA |
1986 |
Dr. Zenon Stavrinides, University of Leeds, UK. Prof. Hugh LaFollette, East Tennessee State University, USA |
1985 | Dr. Julius Tomin, University of Oxford, UK |
1984 | Mrs. Mary Midgley, University of Newcastle, UK |