
The Centre for Ethics, Philosophy and Public Affairs (CEPPA) aims to coordinate and facilitate collaborative research and outreach on topics in moral and political philosophy, with an eye on impact.  There are currently five Projects being developed: The Future of Work and Income; Blame and Responsibility; Effective Altruism; Knowledge, Democracy, and Public Discourse; and Human Rights.  See below for more information about each project, including the people involved, current activities, publications, and plans. See also our past projects.

Please get in touch if you are interested in collaborating with us on any of these projects, or if you would like us to consider further collaborative research or outreach projects.

Climate Ethics

This research stream brings together scholars from multiple disciplines to discuss ethical questions, problems and solutions relating to the climate crisis.

Health and Medicine

This project addresses conceptual and normative questions relating to health and medicine, broadly construed.

Effective Altruism

Exploring the philosophical foundations of a new social movement that encourages people to do the most good with their charitable activities (donations of money, time, and effort).

Knowledge, Democracy, and Public Discourse

Examining the roles of knowledge, reasoning, and public discourse in a democratic society, with a focus on duties of intellectual charity, the right response to disagreement, epistemic injustice, reliance on expert opinions, and educating with humility.

Human Rights and Global Justice

This research project looks into a number of questions concerning human rights, including those relating to the nature and grounds of human rights, human rights and duties to people suffering severe poverty, human rights and the individual, and the challenges of diversity.

Blame and Responsibility

The core objective of this project is to bring together researchers in epistemology, ethics, and metaphysics to shed light on key questions concerning blame.

The Future of Work and Income

The Future of The Future of Work and Income project seeks to advance research in this area.

Virtue and Character

Virtue and Character are currently the focus of extensive international philosophical and psychological research, as well as being introduced as themes in educational formation at different levels from primary/elementary schooling through to professional training in business, health care, policing and the military.