Moral Philosophy Reading Group
Moral Philosophy Reading Group Description: This group reads and discusses an article per week, chosen by a different member each time. Day/time: Wednesdays 3pm to 4pm on Teams. Organizer: Theron Pummer (tgp4).
Moral Philosophy Reading Group Description: This group reads and discusses an article per week, chosen by a different member each time. Day/time: Wednesdays 3pm to 4pm on Teams. Organizer: Theron Pummer (tgp4).
Climate Change, COVID-19, Justice, and Quality of Life Abstract: Justice would appear to require that those who are the principal beneficiaries of a history of economic and political behavior that has resulted in harmful global climate change should bear a correspondingly large share of the burden in contending with these harms worldwide. At the same time, ... Read more
Title: An Agential Account of Poverty Abstract: Poverty has traditionally been conceived as a state of deprivation. To be poor is to lack something that is essential to human flourishing. How that something is conceived—in terms of welfare, resources, or capabilities—and how it is to be measured—in absolute terms or as relative to a social ... Read more
Title: Justice Before Role Obligations Abstract: Many believe that agents in the justice system are morally constrained to follow certain assigned roles, understood as excluding the exercise of moral judgement: lawyers to serve the interests of their clients, judges to enforce the law as written by the legislature, and juries to assess the factual evidence ... Read more
Title: The Labours of Chronic Illness Abstract: In this presentation, I aim to explain the three types of labour- administrative labour, hermeneutic labour and epistemic labour- that chronically ill people have to engage in to get good care. The goal is to highlight why being chronically ill is often considered by many chronically ill people to be ... Read more
Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: Ought and the Transmission of Reasons Abstract: According to the widely held Weightiest Reasons view about how reasons for action and the practical ought are related to one another, (WR) an agent ought to φ if, and only if, the reasons for φ are weightier than the reasons for every incompatible alternative to ... Read more
Title: Beyond the Now: Epistemic Oppression and the “Common” Sense of Incarceration Abstract: In this presentation, I narrate an encounter with 2 Black teenagers who attempted to steal my cellphone and the difficulty of insisting on accountability while avoiding the worst parts of the state-run criminal justice system. Ultimately, I demonstrate that, at times, when a situation calls for accountability for a serious wrongdoing ... Read more
Title: Epistemic Akrasia: No Apology Required Abstract: It is natural to think that rationality imposes some relationship between what a person believes, and what she believes about what she’s rational to believe. Epistemic akrasia—for example, believing P while believing that P is not rational to believe in your situation—is often seen as intrinsically irrational. This ... Read more
Title: Legislative Intent: A Rational Unity Account (co-authored with David Tan (Deakin University)) Abstract: Does the legislature have intentions concerning the effects of legislation? If so, how can that intent be known by outsiders? Existing theories of legislative intent can be divided into three camps: skepticism, constructivism, and realism. This paper begins by outlining problems for ... Read more
Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: How to Build Morality into AI Abstract: AI is spreading fast. We humans need to figure out the best way to prevent AI from making the worst decisions, which are harmful, unfair, or otherwise morally wrong. One way is to design AI to predict what humans would judge to be immoral if ... Read more