Moral Philosophy Reading Group
This week we will discuss Guy Kahane's article 'Our Cosmic Insignificance' Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
This week we will discuss Guy Kahane's article 'Our Cosmic Insignificance' Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: Is the future a utility monster? Abstract: I will revisit Nozick’s utility monster thought experiment and draw an analogy between imagined utility monsters and the long-term future. I argue that the far future can be seen as a real-life utility monster. This is the case if the three premises that form the ... Read more
Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
The Future of Work and Income Research Network ([email protected]) Centre for Ethics, Philosophy, and Public Affairs Department of Philosophy, University of St Andrews Workshop to be held in person Free to attend Confirmed Speakers: Anca Gheaus, Central Europea University Andrea Veltman, James Madison University Philippe Van Parijs, University of Leuven
Title: Threshold Deontology: Some Lessons from Vagueness Abtract: Threshold Deontology is the view that the positive consequences of an act do not normally override moral constraints, but when the positive balance of the consequences of an act is sufficiently great, it may be morally permitted, and possibly required to engage in an act that is ... Read more
This week we will be discussing Selim Berker, 'The Deontic, the Evaluative, and the Fitting". ahead of their CEPPA talk right after this reading group. Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
Title: Is There Anti-Fittingness?" Abstract: The permissible and the forbidden are privative opposites: each is a lack of the other. The good and the bad are, by contrast, polar opposites: badness is anti-goodness, not non-goodness. What about the fitting and the unfitting, the appropriate and the inappropriate, the apt and the inapt, the warranted and ... Read more
This week we will be reading Sarah Fine's paper 'Migration' from The Oxford Handbook of Distributive Justice. Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]
Title: Justice and the Problem of Alienation Abstract: I will focus on why alienation is a problem for many of our major theories of justice (discussing political liberalism, capabilities approach and republicanism) and what might be done about it. Location: Edgecliffe G03