Moral Philosophy Reading Group

This week Miguel de la Cal Moreno will be leading a discussion on Simon Hope's "Normative Disorientation and a Limitation of Human Rights". Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams Contact: [email protected]

CEPPA Talk (in person) – Simon Hope (Stirling)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: Climate Change as a Philosophical Problem Commentator: Quân Nguyen (Edinburgh) Abstract: The paper this talk belongs to speaks to two main points. One is that the onrushing climate catastrophe renders the modern liberal value of personal autonomy unintelligible as a concept to live by. Originally, that was the only point I ... Read more

Moral Philosophy Reading Group

Location: Edgecliffe G03 and Teams This week we will be reading Judith Lichtenberg 's paper 'Negative Duties, Positive Duties, and the “New Harms"'. Contact: [email protected]

CEPPA TALK (in person) – Carl Mildenberger (Universität Zürich)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: The Quest for Additionality Abstract: Many people aim to make the world a better place by spending their money in certain ways. The school of “effective altruism” teaches that, if one donates one’s money wisely, one can have a positive impact. Currently, many people want to make us believe that if one ... Read more

CEPPA Talk (online) – Paulina Sliwa (Vienna) & Tom McClelland (Cambridge)

Title: On seeing women as objects: objectification and affordance perception Location: Teams (online only), the talk will be streamed from Edgecliffe G03 Abstract: Objectification is a central topic in feminist philosophy theorising. But what is it for someone to objectify another person? A common theme is that objectification involves treating and viewing the other person ... Read more

CEPPA Talk (In person) – Joel Joseph (St Andrews)

Title: Eliminative Harming without Intentions Location: Edgecliffe G03 Abstract: Consider the following pair of cases  Roughshod. You are driving to the hospital for an emergency life-saving operation. If you do not make it in time, you will die. However, Victim is lying in the only road that will get you there in time. Although Victim ... Read more