When can you refuse to rescue?
A teaser for Theron Pummer’s book The Rules of Rescue (forthcoming with Oxford University Press).
Factory farm abolition the moderate way
Ben Sachs-Cobbe writes on abolishing factory farms the moderate way on the Justice Everywhere blog.
Environment Bill: UK government offers five principles for protecting nature – here’s why they won’t work
Ben Sachs in The Conversation: the UK government offers five principles for protecting nature, and why they won’t work.
Public Distrust and COVID-19 Vaccines: Conspiracy Thinking or Reasonable Doubt?
Katherine Hawley’s recent post at The Stockholm Centre for the Ethics of War and Peace blog.
Review of The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity
Theron Pummer’s review of Toby Ord’s new book The Precipice: Existential Risk and the Future of Humanity.
Ben Sachs tackles animal ethics
In a new series of three videos, Ben Sachs, Director of CEPPA, answers questions from the public on animal ethics. The questions are: How do we draw the line with animal ethics? Does animal ethics deal with domesticated species differently? What would happen to humanity if we stopped all animal testing? The videos are on the…
An open letter to JK Rowling’s blog post on Sex and Gender
Sophie-Grace Chappell recently published this piece on Crooked Timber.
Uncivil society: how the political has become personal in our everyday lives
Ben Sachs recently published this article in The Conversation in connection with his work on Exoplanet Ethics and The John Stuart Mill Cup.
The moral mathematics of letting people die
Theron Pummer recently published this piece on the OUPblog in connection with the release of the edited volume *Effective Altruism: Philosophical Issues*.
BBC World Service programme ‘In the Balance’
Alex Douglas recently appeared on the BBC World Service programme ‘In the balance’.
What is the most democratic way to solve the Brexit crisis?
Katherine Hawley is one of ‘the ten thinkers on Brexit’. Please read the article on ‘What is the most democratic way to solve the Brexit crisis?‘
Why Fear and Anger are Rational Responses to Climate Change
Read this article, ‘Why Fear and Anger are Rational Responses to Climate Change‘, published in the Conversation.