Special MPRG – Bart Streumer (Groningen)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: QUASI-REALISM FOR REALISTS Abstract: Reductive realists think that normative properties are identical to descriptive properties. But they are often charged with being relativists: it is often argued that their view implies that when two people make conflicting normative judgements, these judgements can both be true. I will argue that reductive realists … Read more

CEPPA Fest (5-6 June)

The CEPPA Fest is a two-day conference featuring the work of seven prominent moral and political philosophers.

Knox Lecture 2023 (23 May)

Sally Haslanger (MIT) will deliver the 2023 Knox Lecture, ‘Social Reproduction and the Politics of Care’.

Theron Pummer interviewed by the APA

Theron Pummer interviewed at the APA Blog! The main focus of the interview is his new book, but other topics include his personal life and future work.

CEPPA Talk (in person) – Eric Martin (Baylor)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: Scientism and Humanities Education Abstract: In this talk I discuss a pedagogical implication of scientism. Because scientism elevates science and derogates what is deemed non-scientific, the arts and humanities become, on such a view, less valuable parts of university curricula. I survey some of the current data on declining study of … Read more

CEPPA Talk (in person) – Guy Fletcher (Edinburgh)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: All’s Well that Ends Well? Abstract: Distinguish how well someone’s life is going at a particular point — their momentary well-being — from how well their life went as a whole, their lifetime well-being. How are these related? The simplest answer is that lifetime well-being is just aggregate momentary well-being. Theories that deny this are forms of holism about lifetime … Read more

CEPPA Talk (in person) – Jordan MacKenzie (Virginia Tech)

Location: Edgecliffe G03 Title: Humorlessness and Moral Recognition Abstract: We’re often quick to point fingers at people who fail to find humor in themselves. And our accusations have a moral tinge: we decry people for being sanctimonious buzzkills, and command them to  ‘get over themselves’. But are these moralized reactions justified? And what, if anything, … Read more